Business Marketing


Our business is to make your business look GREAT online.

Our goal is simple: When somebody is searching for your product or service online, we make sure they can find you. When they do find you, we make sure you look like a brand they will want to do business with.

Is Edwards Marketing the right fit for your business?


Who We Work With

If your company could do better managing or creating it’s presence online, we are often a fit.

If you don’t have an in-house marketing department to guide you through your presence on the internet.

If you do have an in-house marketing department but require professional creative services such as website design, video production or photography.

Tim Edwards

In July of 2010, I left the corporate marketing world to help small business owners excite the world about their unique products and services. 

Advertising is changing rapidly. My team and I study the trends and keep our clients relevant with a mindful focus on maximizing the budgets of small businesses. Over the years I have collaborated with many local artists to provide unique creative assets to these campaigns. Working with unique businesses feeds my creativity.

Tim Edwards




Website Design, Development, Maintenance & SEO

Video Production & Photography

Digital Presence

Reputation Management

SMS Marketing

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Graphic Design

Digital Ad Campaigns

We have close working relationships with the best local website designers, video producers, photographers, digital ad buyers and graphic designers to bring the highest level of quality to our work and compete with the best!